

当你攻读医学人类学学士学位的时候, you’ll develop the skills necessary to implement healthcare in an increasingly complex world while considering the importance of culture. 这种社会文化的方法, 实地考察强调, is what makes Creighton’s medical anthropology program so unique.

学习分析本地医疗保健所需的技能, nationally and internationally and make a difference in a variety of fields including epidemiology and criminology. Students are prepared for advanced studies and employment with organizations such as the World Health Organization or U.S. 疾病控制中心.




医学人类学研究社会, 影响健康的文化和生物因素, 跨社会和文化的疾病和治疗. 它探索人们是如何理解的, experience and respond to health and illness within their cultural contexts. 

整体, medical anthropology aims to provide insights into the intersection of culture, 社会与健康, 以改善医疗保健实践为目标, 针对世界各地不同人群的政策和成果. 

作为一名医学人类学学生, you’ll learn about the factors that influence health and well-being, 疾病的经历和分布, 疾病的预防和治疗, 愈合过程, therapy management and the cultural importance of having multiple medical systems. This knowledge is vital to developing, assessing and improving healthcare programs and services. 

You can take classes like Global Health: A Biosocial and Justice-Oriented Approach; Healthcare, Society and Culture; and Statistics for the Social 科学. 查看完整课程. 


这门18学分的辅修课程向学生介绍健康研究, 文化视角下的疾病和医疗保健.

What Are Career Opportunities with a Medical Anthropology Degree? 

Students with a degree in medical anthropology often pursue an MA or a PhD in medical anthropology and 公共卫生 or seek admission to graduate school or other professional degree programs in health and medicine.

Students have strong employment prospects for academic and nonacademic positions. 在学术界, there has been steady growth in the number of faculty positions for medical anthropologists over the last decade. Medical anthropologists are also well qualified for faculty positions in medicine, 公共卫生, 护理及相关学科. 

Medical anthropologists also have excellent prospects for positions in government and the nonprofit or private sectors. Employment opportunities come from organizations such as the World Health Organization, the U.S. 疾病控制和预防中心, 国际发展机构, 以及国内社区和公共卫生组织. 医学人类学家在各个领域工作, 包括卫生保健, 政府, 教育, 公共卫生, 发展与犯罪学.


Frequently Asked Questions 关于 the Medical Anthropology Degree

A medical anthropology major is different from a general anthropology major because it focuses specifically on health, 文化和社会背景下的疾病和治疗. In contrast, general anthropology covers broader topics, like archaeology and cultural anthropology. 


  • 关注与健康相关的主题, 比如关于健康和疾病的文化信仰, 卫生保健系统, 医疗实践和健康的社会决定因素
  • 探索文化, 健康和疾病的社会和政治层面, 探索治疗仪式之类的东西, 医学伦理和健康差距
  • 经常从事公共卫生事业, 医疗管理, 全球健康研究, 国际发展, 医疗保健政策和宣传

整体, medical anthropology majors focus specifically on the study of health-related issues within the broader context of culture. 

At Creighton, undergraduate students will find plenty of opportunities for research. 44% of Arts and 科学 students take part in 本科研究, 有些早在大一就开始了.  

具体的研究课题和我们的学生一样多样, 但是从高层次的角度来看, 医学人类学家研究范围广泛的课题, 包括: 

  1. 与健康和治疗有关的文化信仰和习俗 
  2. 社会结构的作用, 比如性别, 比赛, 种族和阶级, 在形成卫生差距和获得卫生保健方面 
  3. The impact of globalization, migration and environmental changes on health and 卫生保健系统 
  4. The interactions between Western biomedicine and other traditional healing systems
  5. 政治的影响, economic and historical factors on health policies and healthcare delivery 

了解更多关于 本科研究 在皇冠体育博彩. 

是的. Many of the medical anthropology students 在皇冠体育博彩 go on to pursue master’s or doctoral degrees. 你可以选择继续学习医学人类学, 把你的技能应用到相关的学位上, 攻读医疗保健等专业学位.



  • 高中GPA
  • ACT或SAT成绩*
  • 课外活动
  • Personal 状态ment to demonstrate creative abilities not reflected in your transcripts
  • 高中辅导员推荐信
  • Honors sections and advanced placement courses will enhance a candidate’s application
*适用于选择选修考试的学生, ACT/SAT exam scores are not required at the time of application for admission.

日期 & 最后期限

秋季学期申请于8月9日开始. 上一年的1号. For scholarship consideration, the earlier you complete your undergraduate application, the better. 有关最新的截止日期,请访问我们的 皇冠体育博彩页面.

学费 & 金融援助

学费每年都会更新. 访问 our financial aid site to learn more about the cost of attendance.


皇冠体育博彩大学’s 金融援助 Office administers over $200,000,每年从联邦政府获得1万美元的学生补助, 状态, 机构和私人资源.

To help make your undergraduate studies at 皇冠体育博彩大学 more affordable, we encourage you to file the FAFSA to apply for financial assistance. 各种各样的 奖学金 也可用.


  • Medical anthropology students come together to increase knowledge of world issues pertaining to the overall health of society in an attempt to create social justice. We strive to help those who are interested in the medical anthropology field as well as those who may be stigmatized or marginalized in the community.


  • 抗疟疾网络 raises awareness of the plight of Malaria in Uganda and attempts to raise funds for malaria prevention/relief. 除了, 抗疟疾网络 intends to provide community 教育 on health and wellness of people of the Hoima Diocese in Uganda.

Students work individually with faculty members to arrange internship and service-learning opportunities that are customized according to students’ unique interests and career goals.



