Jiwon 金博士



School Counseling and Mental Health (Master of Science)
Eppley - Eppley大楼- 412

Jiwon 金博士


Jiwon Kim completed the doctoral program in Counselor 教育 and Supervision at the University of Iowa. As majored in 教育, Counseling, and Counselor 教育, Dr. Kim has strived to be an advocate for K-12 students, especially for those from less resourceful environments. She has participated in publishing articles and presented at conferences regarding K-12 students and school counselors. Dr. Kim's research interests are career development of women and minority populations, 第一代学生, trauma-informed practices in various counseling settings, 变革性领导, 以及社会公正. 


  • Career development of women and minority populations
  • Trauma including adverse childhood experiences and intimate partner violence
  • Trauma-informed实践
  • 倦怠






  • 职业发展季刊
    金,我., & 史密斯,C. K.金,我., & 史密斯,C. K. (2021). The effect of adverse childhood experiences and intimate partner violence to career adaptability of female university students.
    69(3), p. 263-277 2021
  • Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in 学校
    曹,年代. H.蔡,H. J.金,我.Kim, E. J.荣格. H., & 李,年代. M. , 曹,年代. H.蔡,H. J.金,我.Kim, E. J.荣格. H., & 李,年代. M. (2020). The mediating effect of introjected motivation between perfectionism and academic burnout.
    1, p. 1-13 2020
  • 心理上的报告
    金,B.哈,G.金,我.杨,J., Suh, S.约翰斯顿,K., Orum, V., Suh, S. H., & 李,年代. M. 金,B.哈,G.金,我.杨,J., Suh, S.约翰斯顿,K., Orum, V., Suh, S. H., & 李,年代. M. (2019). A Cross-Cultural Study on the Vocational Identity of American and Korean University Students.
    122(6), p. 2348-2365 2018
  • The Korea Journal of School Psychology
    崔H. J.金,我., & 曹,年代. H. 蔡,H. J.金,我., & 曹,年代. H. (2015). The longitudinal relationship among autonomy, competence, and parental support in adolescence.
    6(1), p. 225-248 2015
  • The Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology
    崔H. J.郑,Y. M.金,我., & 李,年代. M. 蔡,H. J.郑,Y. M.金,我., & 李,年代. M. (2015). A multilevel analysis of the relationship among student-teacher attachment, 课堂气氛, and school happiness of elementary students.
    29(3), p. 129-149 2015


  • 木头,年代.斯托利,C.金,我.克雷格,S. 如何,何时,为什么? Strengthening Researcher Identity Across the Doctoral Curriculum. Poster presentation at the Association for Counselor 教育 and Supervision (ACES), Association for Counselor 教育 and Supervision (ACES), 亚特兰大, 大会(10月7日), 2021) 2021
  • 桑切斯,J.潘,D.伍德布里奇,L., & 金,我. Addressing the Opioid Epidemic via Interprofessional 教育 and Practice in Behavioral Health Care. Lecture presented at the National Council on Rehabilitation 教育 (NCRE) Conference, National Council on Rehabilitation 教育 (NCRE), 虚拟会议(7月29日, 2020) 2020
  • 金,我., & 权力,J. The influence of ACES in Career Development: Mediation of Emotional Regulation and Handicapping Behaviors. Lecture presented at the National Career Development Association (NCDA) Conference, National Career Development Association (NCDA), 虚拟会议(7月14日, 2020年7月16日, 2020) 2020
  • 史密斯,C. K.金,我., & Davis-Gage D. Academic and career planning with economically disadvantaged youth: A K-12 approach. Presented at the National Career Development (NCDA) Conference, National Career Development Association (NCDA), 虚拟会议(7月14日, 2020年7月16日, 2020) 2020
  • 权力,J.金,我., & 汉族,E. Can CES ensure trauma-informed practice? Lecture presented at the Association for Counselor 教育 and Supervision (ACES), Association for Counselor 教育 and Supervision (ACES), 西雅图, 西澳州(10月12日), 2019) 2019
  • 金,我., & 汉族,E. 防止过劳监督. Lecture presented at the American Counseling Association (ACA) of Iowa. American Counseling Association (ACA) of Iowa, Des Moines, IA. (2019年9月20日). 2019
  • 汉族,E., & 金,我. Supervision with religiousness and spirituality: raising consciousness. Poster presented at the American Counseling Association (ACA) of Iowa. American Counseling Association (ACA) of Iowa, Des Moines, IA. (2019年9月20日). 2019
  • 金,我. Facilitating Post Traumatic Growth by Career Construction Group Counseling. Poster presented at the National Career Development Association (NCDA). National Career Development Association (NCDA), Houston, TX. (2019年6月28日). 2019
  • 金,我., & 史密斯,C. K. An examination of traumatic experiences influence upon female university students career development. Round Table presented at the National Career Development Association (NCDA). National Career Development Association (NCDA), Houston, TX. (2019年6月27日). 2019
  • 权力,J.史密斯,C. K., & 金,我. Infusing Trauma-Informed Practices into Counselor 教育. Lecture presented at the North Central Association for Counselor 教育 and Supervision (NCACES), North Central Association for Counselor 教育 and Supervision (NCACES), 克利夫兰, OH. (2018年10月19日)2018
  • 金,我. Promoting Career Exploration of Female Sexual Minority Adolescents. Poster presented at the Association of LGBT Issues in Counseling (ALGBTIC). Association of LGBT Issues in Counseling, Portland, OR. (2018年9月7日). 2018
  • 金,我. The mediation effect of self-compassion for attachment and anger control. Lecture presented at the Annual American Association of Behavioral and Social 科学 Conference. American Association of Behavioral and Social 科学, Las Vegas, NV. (2015年2月10日). 2015