Catherine A . Opere, BPharm, MBA, PhD



C Opere


药学院 and 健康的职业
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Master of Science)
学院-药剂学,OT, PT
HLSB - Hixson Lied Science Building - 168

Catherine A . Opere, BPharm, MBA, PhD




氧化应激(OS)是视网膜神经退行性疾病如年龄相关性黄斑变性的潜在病理, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma (Dreyer EB. J. Glaucoma. 7(1):62-67). 这些眼部视网膜病变占美国老年人失明和视力损害的大量病例, warranting research into potential therapeutic options to prevent visual impairment (美国的视力问题.S. Prevalence of Adult Vision Impairment and Age-Related Eye Disease in America. 美国防盲协会. 我的研究重点是针对识别眼部组织中OS与药理受体相互作用的潜在机制, 目的是揭示潜在的药理学靶点,可以操纵治疗干预. 我的具体兴趣领域包括研究长链多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFAs)的OS和OS代谢物对葡萄膜交感神经和视网膜兴奋性神经传递的调节。.  Other areas of study include the regulation of retinal ganglion cells and neural tissue survival by OS-PUFA metabolites; regulation of neurotransmitter release, intraocular pressure and aqueous humor dynamics by hydrogen sulfide donors; development of innovative, slow release hydrogen sulfide donor formulations that can achieve sustainable concentrations in the anterior and posterior segments of the eye for management of glaucoma and other retinopathies; identification and characterization of subtypes of prejunctional (autoreceptors and heteroreceptors) receptors in the mammalian anterior uvea and retina. Receptors of interest include those for glutamate, histamine, prostanoids and cannabinoids.






  • Handbook of Basic and Clinical Occular Pharmacology
    Njie-Mbye YF, Opere CA, McKoy M.眼自主 & 生理学. Handbook of Basic and Clinical Ocular Pharmacology. 2020
  • Obesity: Epidemiology, Patho生理学, and Prevention
    Opere, C. A., Ohia, S. E.库尔卡尼,M., Njie-Mbye Y. F. Role of Neurotransitters in obesity regulation, p. 113-124 2013
  • Elsevier
    Njie-Mbye YF, Barrett A, Kulkarni M, Opere CA, Ohia SE. 眼部健康. Bagchi D, Rahman I,编. Inflammation, Advancing Age and Nutrition: Research, Science and Interventions, 1st ed. Elsevier. Imprint: Academic Press; ISBN: 9780123978035; 2013;
    1st Ed. 2013
  • Phytochemicals for Obesity Treatment: Patho生理学 and Weight Management
    Ohia, S. E.C. A.库尔卡尼,M., Njie-Mbye Y. F. Role of Neurotransmitters in obesity regulation., p. 113-124 2012
  • Research Signpost Transworld Research Network
    Njie-Mbye YF, Anjanette F, Zhao M, Ohia SE, Opere CA. Oxidative stress in ocular tissues: pathophysiological and pharmacological implications. 中文:加泰罗尼亚语. Lipid peroxidation: biological implications. Research Signpost Transworld Research Network, 2011. 2011
  • Research Signpost Transworld Research Network
    Opere CA, Zhao MNjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE. 眼组织中长链多不饱和脂肪酸脂质过氧化的生物学后果:异前列腺素和神经前列腺素的作用. 中文:加泰罗尼亚语. Lipid peroxidation: biological implications. Research Signpost Transworld Research Network, 2011. ISBN: 978-81-7895-527-8. 2011


  • 药品
    Heruye SH, Maffofou Nkenyi LN, Singh NU, Yalzadeh D, Ngele KK, Njie-Mbye Y-F, Ohia SE, Opere CA. 2020.  Current Trends in the Pharmacology of Cataracts 
    13(1), p. (15页
  • 药品
    Heruye SH, Maffofou N LN, Singh NU, Njie M YF, Ohia SE, Opere CA.Current trends in the pharmacotherapy of cataracts.13(1):15. 2020
  • 目的神经科学
    Kulkarni-Chitnis M, Mitchell-Bush L, Belford R, Robinson J, Opere CA, Ohia SE, Mbye YFN. Interaction between hydrogen sulfide, 一氧化氮, and carbon monoxide pathways in the bovine isolated retina. /神经科学.2019.3.104 
    6(3), p. 104-115 2019
  • Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods
    Heruye S, Maffofou N LN, Singh NU, Munt DNjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE, Opere CA. 牛人工晶状体白内障发展评价新方法的标准化. .  
    98, p. (7页)2019
  • aap PharmSciTech
    Vora D, Kumari D, Heruye SH, Opere CA, Chauhan H. 准备, 用于白内障治疗的新型多酚负载聚合物固体脂质纳米颗粒的表征和抗氧化评价.
    20(163) 2019
  • Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
    Njie-Mbye YF, Robinson J, Mitchell-Bush L, Mckoy M, Opere CA, Ohia SE, Sharif N. 5 -羟色胺受体引起离体牛纤毛后动脉收缩的药理学:在眼血流中的作用doi: 10.1089/jop.2017.0124. Epub 2018年1月25日. PMID: 29369737 
    34(1-2), p. 134-140 2018
  • Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
    Ohia SENjie-Mbye YF, Robinson J, Mitchell L, Mckoy M, Opere CA谢里夫. 血清素- 2b /2C受体介导牛睫状肌收缩:在眼压调节中的作用. Epub 2018年1月24日. PMID: 29364761 
    34(1-2), p. 70-75 2018
  • 神经化学研究
    Bankhele P, Salvi A, Jamil J, Njie-Mby YF, Ohia SE, Opere CA. 硫化氢释放化合物对牛离体视网膜[3H] d -天冬氨酸释放的影响. doi: 10.1007/s11064-018-2471-5. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:29353375 
    43(3), p. 692-701 2018
  • Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
    Opere CA, Heruye SNjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE谢里夫. Regulation of excitatory amino acid transmission in the retina: studies on neuroprotection. doi: 10.1089/jop.2017.0085. Epub 2017年12月21日. PMID: 29267132 
    34(1-2), p. 107-118 2017
  • Jounal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
    Ohia SE, Robinson J, Mitchell L, Ngele KK, Heruye SH, Opere CANjie-Mbye YF. 硫化氢调节房水动力学:在青光眼药物治疗中的潜在作用. doi: 10.1089/jop.2017.0077. Epub 2017 12月7日. PMID: 29215951 
    34(1-2), p. 61-69 2017
  • Jounal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
    Robinson J, Okoro E, Ezuedu C, Bush L, Opere CA, Ohia SENjie-Mbye YF. 硫化氢释放化合物对猪眼前段房水流出设施的影响, Ex Vivo. doi: 10.1089/jop.2016.0037. PMID: 28099049
    33(2), p. 91-97 2017
  • aap PharmSciTech
    帕蒂A,辛格S, Opere CA, Dash A. 缓慢硫化氢供体gyy4137的缓释给药系统在青光眼中的潜在应用. DOI 10.1208/s12249-017-0712-6; 2017. 
    18 2017
  • Jounal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
    Salvi A, Bankhele P, Jamil JM, Kulkarni-Chitnis MNjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE, Opere CA. “Effect of hydrogen sulfide donors on intraocular pressure in rabbits”. doi: 10.1089/jop.2015.0144. PMID: 27092593 
    32(6), p. 371-375 2016
  • 我们的药剂师
    Opere CA, O 'Brien KK, Elhaj MH. Optic Neuritis: A brief review.
    41(1), p. 35-40 2016
  • 神经化学研究
    Salvi A, Bankhele P, Jamil JM, Kulkarni-Chitnis MNjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE, Opere CA. 硫化氢供体对牛前葡萄膜交感神经传递的药理作用, in vitro”. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 26700431. 
    41(5), p. 1020-1028 2015
  • 我们的药剂师
    Bossou AR, Castillo S, O’Brien KK, Opere CA, Destache CJ. “Preventive HIV vaccines: Progress and challenges”.
    40(10), p. 46-50 2015
  • 实验眼研究
    Kulkarni-Chitnis, M., Njie-Mbye Y. F.米切尔,L.罗宾逊,J.怀特曼,M., Wood, M. E.C. A., Ohia, S. E. 新型硫化氢供体对牛离体后睫状动脉的抑制作用
    134, p. 73-79 2015
  • 神经化学研究
    Jamil, J.班克歇尔,P., Salvi, A.曼尼克斯,J. E., Oger, C., Guy, A.加拉诺,J. M.杜兰德,T., Njie-Mbye Y. F., Ohia, S. E.C. A. Role of the non-enzymatic metabolite of eicosapentaenoic acid, 5-epi-5- f3t -异前列腺素在离体牛视网膜[(3)H] d -天冬氨酸释放中的调控作用
    39, p. 2360-2369 2014
  • aap PharmSciTech
    Ali, H.C., Singh, S. In Vitro-Controlled Release Delivery System for Hydrogen Sulfide Donor
    15, p. 910-919 2014
  • 实验眼研究
    Chitnis, Madhura K., Njie-Mbye Ya F.A.伍德,马克·E.怀特曼,Matthew,俄亥俄州,桑尼E. 缓释硫化氢供体GYY4137对苯肾上腺素诱导的离体牛睫状动脉张力的药理作用2014
  • 生理学前沿
    是的,法头N., Kulkarni-Chitnis, MadhuraA., Barrett, Aaron,俄亥俄州,桑尼E., Passi, Alberto, Gasull, Xavier Lipid peroxidation: pathophysiological and pharmacological implications in the eye
    4, p. 1-10 2013
  • 前列腺素 & 其他脂质介质
    Galano, Jean-Marie, Mas, Emilie, Barden, Anne, Mori, Trevor A., Signorini, Cinzia, De Felice, Claudio, Barrett, AaronCatherine, Pinot, Edith, Schwedhelm, Edzard, Benndorf, Ralf, Roy, J?r?me, Le Guennec, Jean-Yves, Oger, Camille杜兰德,Thierry Isoprostanes and Neuroprostanes: Total synthesis, biological activity and biomarkers of oxidative stress in humans
    107, p. 95-102 2013
  • 实验眼研究
    Njie-Mbye Y. F.库尔卡尼,M.C.A., Ohia, S. E. 硫化氢对大鼠视网膜色素上皮细胞环状AMP形成的作用机制
    98, p. 16-22 2012
  • 生理学前沿
    Njie-Mbye Y. F.C. A., Ohia, S. E.M. Hydrogen sulfide: role in ion channel and transporter modulation in the eye
    3, p. 1-9 2012
  • 一氧化氮
    Njie-Mbye Ya F.MadhuraCatherine, Ohia, Sunny P41 Hydrogen sulfide: Endogenous production and regulatory role in ocular tissues
    27, p. S30 2012
  • U.S. Pharmacist
    Opere CA, O’Brien KK, Shea JL. “Understanding diabetic retinopathy.” 我们的药剂师, April, 2011. Role: contribution to preparation of manuscript. 2011
  • 神经化学研究
    Jamil, J.怀特,A.哈里森,n.n.kekey, E.,花,A. F.纽约州弗罗伊德市. J.科特拉,C., Guy, A.加拉诺,J. M.杜兰德,T., Njie-Mbye Y. F., Ohia, S. E.C. A. 5-F(2t)-异前列腺素及其5-表聚体对离体牛视网膜[(3)H] d -天冬氨酸释放的调控
    37, p. 574-582 2011
  • 神经化学研究
    Kulkarni, Madhura, Njie-Mbye Ya, Okpobiri, Ikechukwu, Zhao, MinA.,俄亥俄州,桑尼Endogenous Production of Hydrogen Sulfide in Isolated Bovine Eye
    36, p. 1540-1545 2011
  • 目前的眼科研究
    Ohia, Sunny E.A.曼约克,伊曼纽尔·M., Kouamou, Ghislaine, Leday, Angela M., Njie-Mbye, 硫化氢产生在l -半胱氨酸对分离猪虹膜抑制作用中的作用
    35, p. 402-407 2010
  • 神经化学研究
    Njie-Mbye Ya, Bongmba, Odelia Y. N.,奥尼玛,中国., Chitnis, Abhishek库尔卡尼,MadhuraA., LeDay, Angela M.,俄亥俄州,桑尼E. 硫化氢对离体牛和猪神经视网膜产生环AMP的影响
    35, p. 487-494 2010
  • Elsevier
    Kotera C, Opere CA. Practolol. xPharm (On-line pharmacology information service of Elsevier), eds: F. Dowd, 2010; 2010
  • Elsevier
    Kotera C, Opere CA. Mannitol. xPharm (On-line pharmacology information service of Elsevier), eds: F. Dowd, 2010; 2010
  • 神经化学研究
    Zhao, Min, Destache, Christopher J.,俄亥俄州,桑尼E.A. 8-异前列腺素E-2对视网膜内源性氨基酸神经递质的调节作用, Ex Vivo
    34, p. 2170-2180 2009
  • 神经化学研究
    Monjok, E. M.库尔卡尼,K. H., Njie, Y. F., Ohia, S. E.A. Regulation of [(3)h] d: -aspartate release from mammalian isolated retinae by hydrogen sulfide
    34, p. 1962-1968 2009
  • 神经化学研究
    库尔卡尼,考斯图夫H.曼约克,伊曼纽尔·M., Zeyssig, Robert, Kouamou, Ghislaine, Bongmba, Odelia N.A., Njie, Ya F.,俄亥俄州,桑尼E. 硫化氢对离体猪虹膜-睫状体交感神经传递和儿茶酚胺水平的影响
    34, p. 400-406 2009
  • xPharm
    凯瑟琳·A. 水通道2 2009
  • xPharm
    凯瑟琳·A. 水通道蛋白家族2009
  • 实验眼研究
    伊曼纽尔·蒙约克.库尔卡尼,考斯图夫H., Kouamou, Ghislaine, Mckoy, MarshalynA., Bongmba, Odelia N., Njie, Ya F.,俄亥俄州,桑尼E. 硫化氢对毒蕈碱受体诱导的猪虹膜收缩的抑制作用
    87, p. 612-616 2008
  • Methods and findings in experimental and clinical pharmacology
    Opere, C. A., Ford, K., Zhao, M., Ohia, S. E. Regulation of neurotransmitter release from ocular tissues by isoprostanes
    30, p. 697-701 2008
  • 神经化学研究
    Min ZhaoA. 异prostanes对牛视网膜多巴胺能神经传递的抑制作用, In vitro
    33, p. 37-42 2008
  • xPharm
    Opere, D.A. 水通道1 2008
  • xPharm
    Opere, C. A. 普鲁卡因胺2007
  • 目前的眼科研究
    Opere, C. A.郑伟. D., Zhao, M., Lee, J. S.库尔卡尼,K. H., Ohia, S. E. 大麻素抑制离体牛视网膜钾和缺血诱发的[H-3] d -天冬氨酸释放
    31, p. 645-653 2006
  • 神经化学研究
    Kulkarni K. H.C. A., Leday, A. M., Shara, M. A., Ohia, S. E. Regulation of norepinephrine release from isolated bovine irides by histamine
    31, p. 891-897 2006
  • Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
    Ohia, S. E.C. A.LeDay, A. M. Pharmacological consequences of oxidative stress in ocular tissues
    579, p. 22-36 2005
  • 神经化学研究
    Opere, C. A.郑伟. D.黄,J. F.阿德瓦莱,A.克鲁格,M., Ohia, S. E. 异前列腺素对牛视网膜[H-3] d -天冬氨酸释放的双重影响:花生四烯酸代谢物的作用
    30, p. 129-137 2005
  • 目前的眼科研究
    LeDay, A. M.库尔卡尼,K. H.C. A., Ohia, S. E. 花生四烯酸代谢物和过氧化物诱导的牛离体视网膜[H-3] d -天冬氨酸释放抑制
    28, p. 367-372 2004
  • 神经化学研究
    LeDay, A. M., Awe, S. O.库尔卡尼,K.哈里斯,L。. C.C., Dash, A., Ohia, S. E. Effect of peroxides on [H-3]D-aspartate release from bovine isolated retinae
    29, p. 811-818 2004
  • Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
    Ohia, S. E., Awe, S. O.C. A.LeDay, A. M.哈里斯,L。. C.库尔卡尼,K.谢里夫,美国. A. Glucose-deprivation-induced [H-3]D-aspartate release from isolated bovine and human retinae
    19, p. 599-609 2003
  • Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
    Harris, L. C., Awe, S. O.C. A., Leday, A. M., Ohia, S. E.谢里夫,美国. A. 5 -羟色胺受体调节离体哺乳动物虹膜-睫状体电诱导[H-3]-去甲肾上腺素释放的药理学研究
    18, p. 339-348 2002
  • 实验眼研究
    Harris, L. C.奥卢布萨约(Olubusayo.C. A., Leday, A. M., Ohia, S. E.谢里夫,美国. A. [H-3]牛虹膜-睫状体5-羟色胺释放:膜前5-HT7自受体的药理作用
    73, p. 59-67 2001
  • 自由基研究
    Opere, C. A., Awe, S. O.哈里斯,L。. C.LeDay, A. M., Ohia, S. E. Potentiation of sympathetic neurotransmission in bovine isolated irides by isoprostanes
    35, p. 257-264 2001
  • 目前的眼科研究
    Ohia, S. E., Awe, S. O.C. A.LeDay, A. M.哈里斯,L。. C.谢里夫,美国. A. 缺氧诱导的离体牛视网膜[H-3] d -天冬氨酸释放:钙通道阻滞剂和谷氨酸激动剂和拮抗剂的调节
    23, p. 386-393 2001
  • Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
    Matutte, B., Awe, S. O., Ameh, F. A., Leday, A. M., Rice, J. C.C. A., Ohia, S. E. Role of catalase in pre- and postjunctional responses of mammalian irides to hydrogen peroxide
    16, p. 429-438 2000
  • 神经化学研究
    Ohia, S. E.C. A., Awe, S. O., Adams, L.谢里夫,美国. A. 人、牛和兔视网膜谷氨酸诱导的[H-3] d -天冬氨酸释放:在兴奋性毒性中的作用
    25, p. 853-860 2000
  • 神经化学研究
    Graham, J., Awe, S. O.LeDay, A. M., Rice, J. C., Ramos, G.哈里斯,L。. C.C. A., Ohia, S. E. 环加氧酶抑制对虹膜-睫状体中过氧化物反应前后作用的影响
    25, p. 519-525 2000
  • 神经化学研究
    Awe, S. O.C. A.哈里斯,L。. C.Uketui, A. J., Ohia, S. E. 异前列腺素对人离体虹膜-睫状体交感神经传递的影响
    25, p. 491-496 2000


  • Singh N, Opere CA, Singh S. 开发一种新型的脂基二烯丙基三硫化物(DATS)系统,用于持续递送硫化氢治疗青光眼.2020 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, October 25-28, 2020. 新奥尔良,洛杉矶,美国. 2020
  • From bench to bedside: the drug discovery process. Graduate student seminar series MPS 793. 变焦会议. 2020
  • Developing an efficient ocular delivery system for the hydrogen sulfide releasing compound, 己二烯三硫化物. Singh N, Opere CA, Singh S.2020 American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 圣地亚哥,加州. 2020
  • 布兰查德S, Opere CA.Integration of Pharmacology into an Occupational Therapy Health Conditions Course. 工作坊建议获接纳. 2020 Annual AOTA meeting, March 27-30. 波士顿. 2020
  • 开发一种新型的脂基二烯丙基三硫化物系统,用于持续递送硫化氢治疗青光眼. Singh N, Opere CA, Singh S.Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum, February 2020. 皇冠体育博彩大学, Omaha, NE 2020
  • 硫化氢-非甾体抗炎药杂合物对培养牛晶状体白内障发生的调节作用. 《皇冠体育博彩》
  • Ohia SE, Ya Fatou NM, Mitchell L, Robinson J, Ngele K, Opere CA. 大麻素对牛离体视网膜内源性硫化氢浓度的调节作用. 2020年ARVO会议. 马里兰州巴尔的摩市. 2020
  • Opere CA, Bankhele P, Salvi A, Jamil J, Munt DNjie-Mbye YF, Chitnis M, Ohia SE. n -乙酰半胱氨酸和l -半胱氨酸对牛离体视网膜神经传递的比较抑制." Presented at the: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, 抽象的# 1886, Orlando, FL May 4-8, 2014. 2014
  • Njie-Mbye YF, Robinson J, Ezeudu C, Mitchell L, Chitnis MK, Opere CA, Ohia SE. "Effect of hydrogen sulfide releasing compounds on aqueous humor dynamics." Presented at the: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, 抽象的# 2890, Orlando, FL May 4-8, 2014. 2014
  • Ohia SE, Chitnis MKNjie-Mbye YF, Robinson J, Ezeudu C, Mitchell L, Opere CA, Whiteman M. "Effect of novel hydrogen sulfide donors (AP67 and AP72) on isolated bovine ciliary artery." Presented at the: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, 抽象的# 4348, Orlando, FL May 4-8, 2014. 2014
  • Chitnis MK, Belford R, Robinson J, Mitchell LNjie-Mbye YF, Opere CA, Ohia SE. "Interaction between hydrogen sulfide and 一氧化氮 in isolated bovine retina." Presented at the: Experimental Biology meeting, abstract #1060.2, 圣地亚哥,加州 April 26-30, 2014. 2014
  • Robinson J, Ezeudu C, Mitchell L, Chitnis MK, Opere CA, Ohia SENjie-Mbye YF. "Involvement of KATP channels in hydrogen sulfide-induced increase in aqueous humor outflow." Presented at the: Experimental Biology meeting, abstract #1060.3, 圣地亚哥,加州 April 26-30, 2014. 2014
  • Opere CA, Bankhele P, Salvi A, Jamil J, Munt D, Njie Mbye YF, Chitnis M, Ohia SE. n -乙酰半胱氨酸和l -半胱氨酸对离体牛视网膜兴奋性神经传递的比较药理作用." Presented at the: Experimental Biology meeting, abstract #1060.4, 圣地亚哥,加州 April 26-30, 2014. 2014
  • Opere CA, Salvi A, Bankhele P, Jamil JNjie-Mbye YF, Kulkarni K, Ohia SE. "Inhibitory action of hydrogen sulfide donor, ACS 67 on sympathetic neurotransmitter release in isolated bovine iris-ciliary bodies." Presented at the: ISER symposium, abstract #15, Sarasota, Fl, Sept 29-Oct 2, 2013. 2013
  • Njie-Mbye YF, Robinson J, Kulkarni M, Opere CA, Ohia SE. "Hydrogen sulfide and aqueous humor outflow." Presented at the: ISER symposium, Abstract #4, Sarasota, Fl, Sept 29-Oct 2, 2013. 2013
  • Jamil J, Kegey E, 鲜花房颤, Flyod NJ, Salvi A, Bankhele P, Guy A, Galano JM, Durand TNjie-Mbye YF, Kulkarni M, Ohia SE, Opere CA. 进一步研究花生四烯酸代谢物在5-epi-5- f3t -异前列腺素调控钾诱导的[3H] d -天冬氨酸从离体牛视网膜释放的作用." Presented at the: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. ID: 1616232; abstract #6315; Seattle, WA, May 5-9, 2013. 2013
  • Bankhele P, Jamal J, Salvi A, Njie Mbye YF, Kulkarni M, Ohia SE, Opere CA. “进一步研究硫化氢供体对牛视网膜中[3H] d -天冬氨酸释放的抑制作用." Presented at the: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, 抽象的# 6325, Seattle, WA, May 5-9, 2013. 2013
  • Salvi A, Bankhele P, Jamal J, Njie Mbye YF, Kulkarni M, Ohia SE, Opere CA. 硫化氢供体对哺乳动物交感神经递质释放和眼压的调节, GYY 4137." Presented at the: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, ID: 1615348; abstract #1976, Seattle, WA, May 5-9, 2013. 2013
  • Njie-Mbye YF, Robinson J, Okpobiri A, Kulkarni M, Opere CA, Ohia SE. NaHS的影响, 快速释放硫化氢供体对猪小梁房水流出的影响." Presented at the: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, ID 1616794; abstract #3563; Seattle, WA, May 5-9, 2013. 2013
  • Ohia SE, Okpobiri ANjie-Mbye YF, Robinson J, Kulkarni M, Opere CA. "Pharmacological actions of L-cysteine on isolated bovine ciliary muscles." Presented at the: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, ID 1616651, abstract #787; Seattle, WA, May 5-9, 2013. 2013
  • Opere CA, Jamil J, Salvi A, Bankhele P, 鲜花房颤, Floyd N, Durand T, Galano JM, Guy A, Oger CNjie-Mbye YF, Kulkarni K, Ohia SE. 5-epi-5- f3t -异前列腺素对钾诱导的[3H] d -天冬氨酸从离体牛视网膜释放的调节:前列腺素受体的作用." Presented at the: Experimental Biology meeting, Abstract #7268, 波士顿 April 20-24, 2013. 2013
  • Robinson JNjie-Mbye YF, Okpobiri A, Kulkarni M, Opere CA, Ohia SE. "Hydrogen sulfide increases aqueous humor outflow in porcine trabecular meshwork." Presented at the: Experimental Biology meeting, Abstract #5025, 波士顿 April 20-24, 2013. 2013
  • Okpobiri ANjie-Mbye YF, Robinson J, Kulkarni M, Opere CA, Ohia SE. "Effect of hydrogen sulfide on isolated bovine ocular smooth muscle." Presented at the: Experimental Biology meeting, Abstract #5534, 波士顿 April 20-24, 2013. 2013
  • Salvi A, Bankhele P, Jamal JNjie-Mbye YF, Kulkarni M, Ohia SE, Opere CA. 硫化氢供体对哺乳动物交感神经递质释放和眼压的调节, GYY 4137." Presented at the: 皇冠体育博彩大学 St. Alberts Day, Abstract #81, Harper Center, 皇冠体育博彩大学, Omaha, NE, Mar 26, 2013. 2013
  • Bankhele P, Jamil J, Salvi A, Opere CA. “在离体牛视网膜中,硫化氢供体抑制[3H] d -天冬氨酸释放的进一步研究." Presented at the: 皇冠体育博彩大学 St. Alberts Day, Abstract #83, Harper Center, 皇冠体育博彩大学, Omaha, NE, Mar 26, 2013. 2013
  • Opere CA, Flowers A, Floyd N, Kegey E, Jamil J, Durand T, Galano JM, Guy A, Oger CNjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE. 牛视网膜长链多不饱和脂肪酸代谢物增强兴奋性神经递质释放, in vitro." Presented at the: Fourth European Workshop on Lipid Mediators, 巴斯德研究所-巴黎, 9月27 - 28日, 2012. 2012
  • Opere CA, Jamil J, Salvi A, Bankhele PNjie-Mbye YF, Kulkarni M, Ohia SE. "Inhibition of [3H]D-aspartate release by hydrogen sulfide in isolated bovine retina." Presented at the: Second International Conference on H2S Biology and Medicine, 摘要# P110, Atlanta, Georgia, Sept 20-22, 2012. 2012
  • Njie-Mbye YF, Kulkarni M, Opere CA, Ohia SE. "Hydrogen Sulfide: Endogenous Production and Regulatory Role in Ocular Tissues." Presented at the: Second International Conference on H2S Biology and Medicine, 摘要# P41, Atlanta, Georgia, Sept 20-22, 2012. 2012
  • Opere CA, Flowers A, Jamil J, Kegey E, Floyd N, Salvi A, Bankhele一, Durand T, Galano JM, Guy A, Oger C. 牛视网膜长链多不饱和脂肪酸代谢物对兴奋性神经递质释放的调节, in vitro." Presented at the: Frontiers in Lipid Biology, American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASMB); International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids (ICBL) and The Canadian Lipoprotein Conference (CLC), 摘要# 2374, 班夫阿尔伯塔省, Canada, 9月5 - 8, 2012. 2012
  • Chitnis MKNjie-Mbye YF, Opere CA, Ohia SE. 硫化氢诱导RPE-J细胞中环状AMP生成的增加:前列腺素的作用, adenyl cyclase and KATP channels." Presented at the: ISER meeting, Berlin, Germany, July 21-25, 2012. 摘要#P061 2012
  • Opere CA, Flowers A, Floyd N, Kegey E, Jamil J, Durand T, Galano JM, Guy A, Oger CNjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE. 前列腺素受体在神经前列腺素对离体牛视网膜中钾诱导的[3H] d -天冬氨酸释放的兴奋作用中的作用." Presented at the : 19me journe IRPF de Chimie Sorze, France, 15 Juin 2012. 2012
  • Kulkarni MNjie-Mbye YF, Opere CA, Whiteman M, Ohia SE. "Effect of slow releasing hydrogen sulfide donor GYY4137 on isolated bovine ciliary artery." Presented at the: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, 3月26日, 2012 53:6866. 2012年5月6日至9日,Ft. 佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡. 2012
  • Opere CA, 鲜花房颤, Floyd N, Kegey E, Jamil J, Durand T, Galano JM, Guy A, Oger CNjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE. 前列腺素受体在神经前列腺素对离体牛视网膜中钾诱导的[3H] d -天冬氨酸释放的兴奋作用中的作用." Presented at the: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, 3月26日, 2012 53:5386. 2012年5月6日至9日,Ft. 佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡. 2012
  • 鲜花房颤, Floyd N, Kegey E, Jamil J, Durand T, Galano JM, Guy ANjie-Mbye YF, Kulkarni K, Ohia SE, Opere CA. 合成神经蛋白酶对K+诱导的[3H] d -天冬氨酸在离体牛视网膜中的释放的调控." Presented at the: The Experimental Biology meeting, Journal. 2012;26:843.4. 2012
  • Stroud DD, Kulkarni MNjie-Mbye YF, Opere CA, Ohia SE. "Pharmacological actions of L-cysteine on isolated bovine irides." Presented at the: The Experimental Biology meeting, Journal. 2012;26:1049.4 2012
  • Kegey E, Jamil JM, Harrison NC, Durand T, Galano JM, Guy ANjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE, Opere CA. 前列腺素受体在5-F2t-IsoP及其5-表聚体对离体牛视网膜钾诱导的[3H] d -天冬氨酸释放的抑制作用中的作用." Presented at the: 8Th GERLI Lipidomics Meeting, 生物活性脂质, Membranes and Bioactive lipids, Lyon, October, 25-28-2011. 2011
  • Ali H, Opere CA, Singh S. “一个容易使用的, safe, 建立了测定其类似物中硫化氢释放量的高效分光光度法." Presented at the: American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, October, 23-27, 2011. Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C. 2011
  • Ali H, Opere CA, Singh S. 基于相敏智能聚合物的硫化氢类似物缓释输送系统." Presented at the: Annual Meeting and Exposition, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, October, 23-27, 2011. Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C. 2011
  • Kegey E, Jamil JM, Harrison NC, Durand T, Galano JM, Guy ANjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE, Opere CA. 前列腺素受体在5-F2t-IsoP及其5-表聚体对离体牛视网膜钾诱导的[3H] d -天冬氨酸释放的抑制作用中的作用.发表于:第二届生物和医学环境压力源国际会议, 2011年10月5日至7日
  • Kulkarni MNjie-Mbye YF, Okpobiri I, Zhao M, Opere CA, Ohia SE. 一氧化碳和一氧化氮对离体牛视网膜内源性硫化氢产生的调控." Program/poster 5669/A581, May 5, 2011, Ft. 佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡. 2011
  • Zhao M, Taylor MNjie-Mbye YF, Kulkarni M, Opere CA, Ohia SE. "Hydrogen sulfide-induced relaxation of isolated bovine ciliary artery." Program/poster 2658/A139, May 3, 2011, Ft. 佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡. 2011
  • Opere CANjie-Mbye YF, Jamil J, Durand T, Galano JM, Guy A, Kulkarni M, Zhao M, Ohia SE. “通过合成神经前列腺素调节大鼠RPE-J细胞中循环AMP的产生”,BA-12high. Program/poster 2067/D1074, May 2, 2011, Ft. 佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡. 2011
  • Opere CA, Jamil JM, Wright A, Durand T, Galano JM, Guy ANjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE. "Neuroprostanes inhibit [3H]D-aspartate release in bovine retina, in vitro." Presented at the: Journes CHEVREUL 2011, "LIPIDS & BRAIN 2" Paris 28-30 March 2011. 2011
  • Kegey E, Jamil J, Harrison N, Durand T, Galano JM, Guy ANjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE, Opere CA. 前列腺素受体在合成异前列腺素抑制离体牛视网膜钾诱导的[3H] d -天冬氨酸释放中的作用 ." Presented at the: Experimental Biology Meeting, March 17, 2011 25:799.4 2011
  • Opere CA, Jamil JM, Wright A, Durand T, Galano JM, Guy ANjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE. "Neuroprostanes inhibit [3H]D-aspartate release in bovine retina, in vitro." Presented at the: 7th GERLI Lipodomic Meeting: Lipids in all States, 10月3 - 6, Anglet-Biarritz, France, 2010. 2010
  • Opere CA, Jamil JM, Wright A, Durand T, Galano JM, Guy ANjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE. "Neuroprostanes inhibit [3H]D-aspartate release in bovine retina, in vitro." Presented at the: Third European Workshop on Lipid Mediators, 巴斯德研究所-巴黎, June 3-4, 2010 2010
  • Ohia SE, Kulkarni MNjie-Mbye YF, Jackson D, Zhao M, Opere CA. "Measurement of hydrogen sulfide concentration in isolated bovine eyes." Presented at the: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, May 2-6, 2010摘要#3305/D786. 2010
  • Njie-Mbye YF, Kulkarni M, Jackson D, Zhao M, Opere CA, Ohia SE. "Mechanism of action of hydrogen sulfide on cyclic AMP formation in RPE-J cells." Presented at the: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, May 2-6, 2010, 摘要# 3315/D796. 2010
  • Opere CA, Jamil JM, Wright A, Durand T, Galano JM, Guy ANjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE. "Regulation of [3H]D-aspartate release by neuroprostanes in bovine retina, in vitro." Presented at the: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, May 2-6, 2010, 摘要# 3315/D796. 2010
  • Opere CA, Jamil J, Wright ANjie-Mbye YF, Ohia SE. "Peroxide-induced production of metabolites of polyunsaturated fatty acids in bovine retina, in vitro." Presented at the: Experimental Biology Meeting, April 6, 2010 24:971.2 2010
  • Njie-Mbye YF, Kulkarni M, Opere CA, Ohia SE. “硫化氢通过腺苷酸环化酶途径刺激哺乳动物视网膜中环状AMP的形成." Presented at the: Experimental Biology Meeting, April 6, 2010 24:962.2 2010


  • “Hydrogen sulfide-releasing compounds and IOP regulation”. Role: Co-Investigator (Co-I), Evaluate the regulation of aqueous humor dynamics by hydrogen sulfide donors in rabbits, in vivo. PINjie-Mbye YF, Texas Southern University; 2012-2015,NIH AREA R15 award.


  • “Regulation of [3H]D-aspartate release by metabolites of LCPUFAs in bovine retina, in vitro.” Role: Principal Investigator (PI), 2011, 美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克 Summer Research Opportunity Award.

  • 花生四烯酸代谢物调节牛视网膜兴奋性神经递质的机制.” 美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克 Summer Research Opportunity Award.

  • “Regulation of [3H]D-aspartate release by metabolites of LCPUFAs in bovine retina, in vitro.” 美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克 Summer Research Opportunity Award.


  • “Regulation of protein expression by isoprostanes in mammalian retina.” SPAHP Faculty Research Development Grant.


  • Faculty/Student 美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克 Travel Award
    教师/学生美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克旅游奖参加在圣地亚哥举行的2014年实验生物学会议, CA 4月26日至30日, 2014.
  • Faculty/Student 美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克 Travel Award
    教师/学生获得美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克旅游奖,参加2013年在圣安东尼奥举行的西班牙裔/奇卡诺裔和美洲原住民科学进步协会会议, TX, 10月3 - 6, 2013.
  • Faculty/Student 美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克 Travel Award
    Faculty/Student 美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克 Travel Award to attend 2013 Experimental Biology meeting in 波士顿, 4月20 -24日, 2013.
  • Faculty/Student 美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克 Travel Award
    获得美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克旅游奖,参加2012年在圣地亚哥举行的实验生物学会议, CA, 4月21 -26日, 2012.
  • Faculty/Student 美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克 Travel Award
    Faculty/Student 美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克 Travel Award to attend 2011 SACNAS meeting in San Jose, CA, 10月27 - 30日, 2011.
  • Summer Research Opportunity Award
    Summer Research Opportunity Award, MARC办公室 and Professional Development Programs, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
  • Faculty/Student 美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克 Travel Award
  • Faculty/Student 美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克 Travel Award
    教师/学生美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克旅游奖参加2010年度生物医学研究会议为少数民族学生(ABRCMS)会议在夏洛特, 11月10日至13日, 2010.
  • Faculty/Student 美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克 Travel Award
    Faculty/Student 美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克 Travel Award to attend 2010 SACNAS meeting in Anaheim, CA, 9月30日- 10月3日, 2010.
  • Summer Research Opportunity Award
    Summer Research Opportunity Award, MARC办公室 and Professional Development Programs, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
  • SPAHP Summer Research Award
    SPAHP Summer Research Award (with Pharm.D. Student, Finnegan Anjanette)
    SPAHP Summer Research Award
  • Faculty/Student 美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克 Travel Award
    教师/学生美国实验生物学学会联合会/马克旅游奖参加2010年实验生物学会议在阿纳海姆, CA, 4月24 - 28, 2010.