
Table manners play an important part in making a favorable impression.  They are visible signals of the state of our manners and therefore are essential to professional success.  Regardless of whether we are having lunch with a prospective employer or dinner with a business associate, 我们的举止能充分说明我们是专业人士.

  • 右侧佩戴的姓名徽章
  • 你一坐下就把餐巾放在腿上
  • Your 餐巾 goes on your chair or to the left of your plate when you leave the table
  • 记住:f-o-r-k = l-e-f-t
              K-n-i-f-e, s-p-o-o-n = r-i-g-h-t
  • 等大家都点完餐再开始谈生意
  • 等到每个人都上桌了再开始吃.  If you are at a large table, wait until the people around you are served, then begin
  • 切食物时尽量把手腕放低
  • 记得把银器放进去 ?休息的位置?而不是挂在盘子上
  • 盐瓶和胡椒粉瓶是成对传递的
  • 按照时间顺序传递食物,或者向右传递
  • 面包是撕下一口吃的, 在那一块上涂黄油, 然后吃掉那一块
  • 根据客人的用餐速度调整你的用餐速度
  • If you are served a drink with a straw, take the straw out and drink from the glass
  • 拿着有柄的玻璃杯
  • 不吃冰块
  • 把汤从你身边舀开
  • 餐巾要放在腿上,直到你准备离开
  • Never become even the least bit intoxicated while representing your industry!
  • 不要在餐桌上使用牙签
  • 不要在饭桌上化妆
  • 不要在饭桌上擤鼻涕
  • 没有什么是舔手指好的!

当主人打开他或她的餐巾时,用餐就开始了.  这是你做同样事情的信号.  把餐巾放在腿上, 如果是小餐巾纸,完全展开,或者对半展开, 纵, 如果是一张大餐巾纸.  通常, you want to put your 餐巾 on your lap soon after sitting down at the table (but follow your host's lead).  The 餐巾 remains on your lap throughout the entire meal and should be used to gently blot your mouth when needed.  如果你在用餐过程中需要离开餐桌, place your 餐巾 on your chair as a signal to your server that you will be returning.  The host will signal the end of the meal by placing his or her 餐巾 on the table.  一旦吃完饭, you too should place your 餐巾 neatly on the table to the right of your dinner plate.  (不要叠餐巾,也不要把它卷起来.)

If, 看完菜单后, 有些项目你不确定, 你有任何问题都可以问服务员.  回答您的问题是服务人员工作的一部分.  It is better to find out before you order that a dish is prepared with something you do not like or are allergic to than to spend the entire meal picking tentatively at your food.

An employer will generally suggest that your order be taken first; his or her order will be taken last.  Sometimes, however, the server will decide how the ordering will proceed.  通常,女人的命令比男人的更重要.

作为客人, you should not order one of the most expensive items on the menu or more than two courses unless your host indicates that it is all right.  如果主持人说, "I'm going to try this delicious sounding cheesecake; why don't you try dessert too," or "The prime rib is the specialty here; I think you'd enjoy it,“那么,如果您愿意的话,就可以订购那种产品了.

Should you be attending a formal dinner or banquet with pre-set place settings, it is possible to gain clues about what may be served by "reading" the place setting.  Start by drawing an imaginary line through the center of the serving plate (the plate will be placed in the center of your dining space).  To the right of this imaginary line all of the following will be placed; glassware, 杯子和碟子, 刀, 和勺子, 如果有海鲜的话,也要准备海鲜餐叉.  It is important to place the glassware or cup back in the same position after its use in order to maintain the visual presence of the table.  To the left of this imaginary line all of the following will be placed; bread and butter plate (including small butter knife placed horizontally across the top of the plate), 沙拉盘, 餐巾, 和叉子.  Remembering the rule of "liquids on your right" and "solids on your left" will help in allowing you to quickly become familiar with the place setting.

Choosing the correct silverware from the variety in front of you is not as difficult as it may first appear. 从刀开始, 叉, 或者是离盘子最远的勺子, 慢慢来, 每道菜用一种餐具.  The salad 叉 is on your outermost left, followed by your dinner 叉.  你的汤勺在你最外面的右边, 然后是你的饮料勺, 沙拉刀和餐刀.  Your dessert spoon and 叉 are above your plate or brought out with dessert.  If you remember the rule to work from the outside in, you'll be fine.

There are two ways to use a knife and 叉 to cut and eat your food.  它们是美国风格和欧洲或大陆风格.  任何一种风格都是合适的.  美国风格的, one cuts the food by holding the knife in the right hand and the 叉 in the left hand with the 叉 tines piercing the food to secure it on the plate.  切几块一口大小的食物, then lay your knife across the top edge of your plate with the sharp edge of the blade facing in.  Change your 叉 from your left to your right hand to eat, 叉 tines facing up.  (If you are left-handed, keep your 叉 in your left hand, tines facing up.)  The European or Continental style is the same as the American style in that you cut your meat by holding your knife in your right hand while securing your food with your 叉 in your left hand.  不同的是你的叉子仍然在你的左手, 时间朝下, 右手拿着刀.  Simply eat the cut pieces of food by picking them up with your 叉 still in your left hand.

Do not push your plate away from you when you have finished eating.  把你的盘子放在餐具里.  The common way to show that you have finished your meal is to lay your 叉 and knife diagonally across your plate.  把刀叉并排放在一起, with the sharp side of the knife blade facing inward and the 叉, 尖朝下, 在刀的左边.  The knife and 叉 should be placed as if they are pointing to the numbers 10 and 4 on a clock face.  Make sure they are placed in such a way that they do not slide off the plate as it is being removed.  Once you have used a piece of silverware, never place it back on the table.  Do not leave a used spoon in a cup, either; place it on the saucer.  你可以把汤匙放在汤盘里. 不用的银器就放在桌子上.