
The audience for your "personal essay" is an admissions committee composed of members of your future profession or academic discipline. 当他们读到你的文章时, 他们将寻求深度和实质, along with a true passion and commitment to your area of study. They will also be looking for individual traits or characteristics that make you an outstanding graduate or professional school candidate.

Personal Statements or Statements of Purpose can include some level of the following information:

  • Convey your long- and short-range career goals
  • Present yourself as an individual with desirable personal abilities, background, interests and plans
  • Describe the nature and significance of your relevant 经历, and give concrete evidence of your knowledge, competence and motivation in the field of your choice
  • Explain your special interest in this particular program/field
  • Account for any conspicuous weaknesses in your record
  • Demonstrate your writing ability and communication skills in general

It is imperative that you conduct a thorough self-assessment of your interests, motivations and career goals before you begin to write.
Consider these questions about your own abilities, background, interests and plans:

  • Why do I want to pursue a graduate or professional school program?
  • What are the special features, approaches, or 值 of this particular program or field of study?
  • 我的兴趣如何?, 值, 的优势, 经历, ambitions and plans relate to what this program offers? Why do I want to be a part of this program or profession? What would I bring to this program or profession?
  • What is my interest and motivation in this field? What have I gotten out of it so far and what do I hope to get out of it? Can I trace my interest and motivation to any concrete experience?
  • What are my 的优势 related to this field, personal, academic, and experiential?
  • What 经历 demonstrate my competence and motivation in this field?
  • Do my relevant 经历 fall into any pattern? 广泛的探索? 越来越关注? 应对越来越大的挑战?
  • What kinds of 经历 have taught me the most?

Here are some general tips to help you write an effective personal essay:

  • 在你动笔之前, make lists of information that may be pertinent to the admissions decision. 名单中可能包括教授, 课程, 书, 研究项目, 的想法, 旅行, and other 经历 that have been important. 你还应该列出工作, extracurricular and volunteer activities, 特殊技能, 荣誉及奖励.
  • 给自己足够的时间. 尽早开始思考你的论文. The admissions committee reads essays thoroughly and carefully. Make sure you've given it your best effort.
  • Be sure to read the essay question(s) on the application carefully. What information, approach or emphasis is the question asking for? Make sure you answer all questions and address issues outlined.
  • Although you may formulate a general essay in advance, make certain that each application contains an essay which specifically answers the questions asked by that school. For centralized applications there is typically one broad statement and then a set of secondary application essays that follow that are particular to the school. If you are applying through a centralized application system, be sure to not be school-specific in the general personal statement that goes to all schools.
  • 你的精神, character and uniqueness should come through but your writing should be formal and correct.
  • Each school-specific essay should contain at least a sentence or two which tells why you have chosen that particular institution. Does it have an excellent specialization in your area of interest? Is there a particular faculty member with whom you expect to work? Is the program recommended to you by a faculty member?
  • Strive for a strong opening line or paragraph. Look for something beyond the predictable, something that demonstrates the qualities that set you apart from other candidates.
  • 具体的知识, skills and insights acquired through internships and other work 经历--paid or volunteer, and related to your proposed field of study--are particularly strong material.
  • Any experience that demonstrates interpersonal talents, 创业技能, 能够在压力下工作, 不寻常的背景, 一些重要的经验教训, or a genuine commitment to a worthy cause could be appropriate if you demonstrate the relevance.
  • 草案! 草案! 草案! Good writing is writing that is easily understood. Have one good writer critique your essays, and another proofread them.